Are you excited to know all the latest cheat code information of the famous game, Fallout 3? Go through this post to learn more detailed Fallout 3 information and updates. Codes often create a massive buzz over the Internet for the players to get free benefits. Thus, please stick to this article to get all the Fallout 3 cheats codes.
About Fallout 3
Release Date | Oct 28th, 2008 |
Genres | RPG |
Developer | Bethesda Game Studios |
Fallout 3 is a fantastic action-filled RPG where you will find a deadly interactive world filled with unique elements, including the combat system. Moreover, this game gives you stunning visuals and loads of other elements that will keep you entertained throughout. With the interesting characters, Fallout 3 has been on the favorite list of many worldwide players.
Fallout 3 Cheats Codes & Command
All the cheat codes explained below will help you get the desired effects. However, it is advised to carefully enter them as a slight mistake can cause an error.
Codes | Details |
MoveToQuestTarget/movetoqt <optional: questID> | |
coc testqaitems | |
coc megatoncommonhouse | |
tmg | |
GetPos X | |
Disable | |
unlock | |
tm | |
tcai | |
tfc | |
tai | |
TWF | |
TT | |
TG | |
SetGS fPickPocketMaxChance 100 | |
“startquest <quest ID>” eg startquest 00014ea3 which starts “Trouble on the Homefront” | |
setgs fmovesneakmult * | |
showinventory | |
player.setav <S.P.E.C.I.A.L.> # | |
SetEssential <ID> 1 | |
setactorfullname “Firstname Lastname” (Use the quotes if the name has spaces) | |
setgs iMaxCharacterLevel ### | |
SetGS fLockSkillBase 100 | |
player.setav <SKILL> # | |
SetBarterGold [amount] | |
player.setav unarmeddamage ## | |
player.setav radresist ## | |
player.setav poisonresist ## | |
player.setav damageresist ## | |
player.setav fireresist ## | |
player.setav critchance ## | |
setspecialpoints # | |
player.setav meleedamage ## | |
SetPos X | |
PRID [name] | |
Resethealth | |
Player.AddItem 50f92 1,100 | |
save [name] | |
exit vats | |
rewardKarma # | |
resurrect | |
GetQuestCompleted/GetQC [QuestID] | |
Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100 | |
ResetQuest | |
rewardxp xxx | |
player.additem 0000000F “XXX” | |
player.removeitem <ObjectID> “XXX” | |
Removeallitems | |
QQQ | |
pcb | |
player.modav carryweight # | |
player.modav health # | |
player.modav actionpoints # | |
save fred 1 | |
showplasticsurgeonmenu | |
showbarbermenu | |
showracemenu | |
tcl | |
SetGS fPickPocketActorSkillMult 100 | |
player.moveto # | |
movetoqt | |
EnablePlayerControls | |
player.modav skill # | |
Player.MatchFaceGeometry # | |
SetGS fVATSDistanceFactor 0.0001 | |
load [name] | |
Killall | |
CloseAllMenus | |
UnEquipItem <item_id> | |
EquipItem <item_id> | |
player.PlaceAtMe <objectID> | |
tgm | |
Setownership | |
addachievement xx | |
GetAVInfo [Actor Value] | |
player.srm | |
SetPCYoung | |
setessential 6a772 1 | |
getXPfornextlevel | |
DisableAllMines | |
tcai | |
disableallmines | |
player.ForceAV <amount> | |
CompleteAllObjectives / CompleteQuest | |
cam | |
SexChange | |
modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) # | |
setscale # | |
setgs fMoveRunMult # | |
player.setav speedmult ### | |
player.setlevel # | |
setgs fJumpHeightMin # | |
ShowNameMenu | |
coc [Cell ID] | |
player.modScale <1 or -1> | |
Kill | |
Player.AddItem 2937e 500 | |
set timescale to # | |
player.placeatme | |
fov [1-180] | |
tsb [number] | |
SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 | |
tmm 1 | |
player.agerace # | |
agerace # | |
advlevel | |
addspecialpoints # | |
activate |
Note: You can let us know in the comment box if you notice any code not giving you the corresponding effects.
How to Enter the Fallout 3 Cheat Codes?
It is advised to correctly go through the code-entering process to get the effects easily.
Step 1
Open the Fallout 3 game.
Step 2
Hit the ~ button to launch the Command console.
Step 3
Mention any of the commands from the above list to get the desired effects.
Where To Find a New Fallout 3 Codes?
You can head towards our official Gamestouse website to learn the latest Fallout 3 game cheat code updates. However, sticking to the official social networks of the game, including Twitter and Discord will help you greatly.
If you find any new cheat codes not in the above list, you can use the comment section to make us aware of and fix it. If you bookmark (Ctrl + D) this post, you will get the latest codes of this game on this post.
Stay Tuned for More Codes.