How To Unlock All Traits In WorldBox (Complete Guide With Location)

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Are You Looking How To Unlock All Traits In WorldBox? Have you ever heard of what the traits are in the WorldBox game? If not, then meticulously read the underlying sections for a detailed summary. Do you know the most-best way to redeem these traits? Need clarification about the terms explained above? Quickly start reading this blog until the bottom line for more information about traits. 

WorldBox has become a popular sandbox game, published by Maxim Karpenko in 2012. In the game, participants can develop, moderate or destroy the virtual worlds constructed with different elements.

It seems that players love this game, specifically the traits. Thus, this blog will guide readers about the traits receiving technique in detail, so please continue reading for more.

What Are WorldBox’s Traits?

What Are WorldBox’s Traits
Photo by Infected Player

Traits are nothing but the characteristics of the in-game creatures. In simple words, traits within the creature make them what and who they are.

In the game, creatures usually have a trait chance, which also determines that creature’s overall look and skill. Seems interesting! Isn’t it? 

As you might have understood the traits, it is time to discuss how a player can get different traits from the WorldBox game.

If you have trouble achieving these traits, then worry not, as the below passage will teach you the relative process.

How To Unlock All Traits In WorldBox?

How To Unlock All Traits In WorldBox
Photo by Infected Player

In the Trait editor, most traits can be unlocked when the player clicks on the creature. Also, hovering the new traits within the blue circle region will help the player to get the trait. Besides, a few traits remain locked, and you can only get them by completing the Achievements. 

Providing traits will give achievements like The Accomplished, The Demon or The King of Kings to the creature they unlocked.

Since you have the answer to your query, you should now look at the table below to determine all of WorldBox’s traits. 

WorldBox Traits and Location

Name Location 
AttractiveLemon Man, Lil’ Pumpkin, Lemon Boi,  Elves. 
Acid Touch Slime 
Acid Proof Zombie Dragon, Slime and Aliens. 
AmbitiousBirth chance (1.6%)
Acid Blood Slime and Aliens and Zombie Dragon.
Boat 1 Boat
Burning Demons
Bomberman Bandits
BlessedEnchanted Biome
BloodlustLil’ Pumpkin
Crippled2% chance without shield power hurt
Cold AuraCold Ones, Snowman 
Cursed0.5% chance of Corrupted biome Ghostwalking 
Content2% Birth Chance
Death NukeNone 
DragonslayerDragon Defeat
Mark Of DeathUnavailable 
DeceitfulBirth Chance (1.5%)
Death BombNone 
EvilEvil Mage, Demons, Candy Bear, Candy Man, Robot Santa, Greater Crab, Necromancers, Fire Skull
One-EyedZombie Dog
Eagle EyedBirth Chance (0.7%)
Fat Aliens, Slime, Rhinos, Lil’ Pumpkin, Snowman,
Fire ProofGod Finger, Demons, Evil Mage, Plague Doctor,  Fire Skull, Assimilator, Dragons, UFOs, Crystal Golem Ghost, Greater Crab Crystal Sword, Worms.
Fire BloodDemons, Greater Crab, Dragons, Fire Skull
FleshCandy Bear And Man
FreezeGhost, Snowman, White Mage, Cold Ones 
FlowerDruid, Fairy
FastFox, Rabbits, Dog.
GluttonousCandy Man And Bear 
GeniusTurtles, monkeys, Fox.
GiantBirth Chance (0.5%)
GreedyBirth Chance (1.5%)
Golden Tooth Birth Chance (5%) After Birth
HonestBirth Chance (1.8%)
Immortal Lightning Zombie, Skeletons, Greg, Living House, Mage, White Mage, Druid, Necromancers, etc.
Healing Fairies
InfectedGaining Chances (50%) by Zombie infection power and trait.
Immune Robot Santa, Eggs, and Fairies, Plague Doctor
MadnessMadness, power and disaster
Lucky Birth Chance (0.7%)
KingslayerKing Defeat
MageslayerDefeat White Mage, Necromancers, Druid, etc.
PacifistBirth Chance (1.5%)
MUSH SporesMUSH Spores power
Peaceful Sheep, Chicken, Cows, Fairies, Rabbits, or Villagers (aged 6)
ParanoidLemon Boi and Man
Poisonous Frog
PlagueRat trait, Plague power
Poison ImmunitySnake, Lemon Boi and Man
PyromaniacBirth Chance (1%)
Rat KingRat Kings
Savage Zombies, Orcs
Shiny Crystal Sword and Golem
Regeneration Orcs, Demons, Snowman, Aliens
Scar Of DivinityGiven by Trait Editor
Skin Burns 50% chance (Lava, Hot Temperature, etc.)
Short SightedBirth Chance (0.7%)
Strong MindedEggs, Blue Ants, etc. 
Super HealthNone 
StrongRhinos, Bears, etc. 
TinyBirth Chance (0.5%)
UglyTumor Monsters, Bioblob
Tumor Tumor biome
ToughCrocodiles, Greater Crab
VeteranAchieve 11 kills
UnluckyBirth Chance (0.7%)
WeightlessFrogs, Turtles, Bugs, etc. 
WeakBirth Chance (1.5%)
WiseChance (30%) after aged 40

The Final Verdict

This blog described the unlocking process of the Worldbox game’s traits and mentioned its basics. Know more about these traits here.

In this article, we have completely covered the topic How To Unlock All Traits In WorldBox and also told from where you will be able to collect Traits. If you are still facing any kind of problem related to How To Unlock All Traits In WorldBox then you can contact us.

Do you know what traits among the above are most-beneficial? Kindly comment your answer with the trait’s abilities in the comment section.

Check More Guide Related to | Unlock All Traits In WorldBox

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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