How to Make 9/11 in Infinite Craft (Best Way to Get)


Are you looking for a Combination word To Make 9/11 In Infinite Craft? Infinite Craft is a web game based on crafting. In this, players can create a new word by combining two words. There is no limit to it, unlimited words can be created in it. In our tutorial, we have shared complete information on 9/11 crafting in Infinite Craft.

If you are a newbie to this game, then first of all you have to visit the official website of Infinite Craft. In the right side box, you will find 4 words Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth. By combining these words you will be able to get different words. For Example Water + Fire = Steam.

In this Guide, you will learn How to Make 9/11 in Infinite Craft.

How To Make 9/11 In Infinite Craft (Best Way to Get)

Here is the Best Way How to Make 9/11 in Infinite Craft

  1. 💧 Water +🌬️ Wind =🌊 Wave
  2. 🌍 Earth +🌊 Wave =🏖️ Sand
  3. 🔥 Fire +💧 Water =💨 Steam
  4. 🌍 Earth +💧 Water =🌱 Plant
  5. 💧 Water +🌊 Wave =🌊 Tsunami
  6. 🌬️ Wind +🌬️ Wind =🌪️ Tornado
  7. 🔥 Fire +🏖️ Sand =🥃 Glass
  8. 🌱 Plant +💨 Steam =🍵 Tea
  9. 🌪️ Tornado +🌊 Tsunami =💥 Destruction
  10. 🥃 Glass +🌬️ Wind =🪟 Window
  11. 💥 Destruction +🍵 Tea =💣 Terrorist
  12. 💣 Terrorist +🪟 Window =🚑 9/11

To get the answer, follow the crafting list given above carefully. To unlock 9/11, you have to combine Terrorist and Window.

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Editorial Staff

I love playing and writing games, although I'm not a professional gaming writer. I will try my best to guide you in every game.

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