Top 10 Best Melee Weapons OSRS (Ranked)

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Are you a fan of OSRS and wondering to know all the Melee weapons you can use for better gaming? Learn all the Melee weapons information in this blog. 

In action-adventure games, equipment becomes the most important strategy to ease your hurdles. So, if you are looking for the best melee weapons osrs, this blog will help you greatly. 

In OSRS, there are many variants of weapons that you use to progress deeper or shield yourself from troubles. Besides, if you have played OSRS, you might encounter melee weapons. Importantly, the specialty of melee weapons is to hit directly next to an aim.

Top 10 Best Melee Weapons OSRS (Ranked) 

Thus, melee weapons are the best choice if you want to attack the opponent nearby. Since melee weapons are important for your game, it is essential to know the best ones. 

So, below is the complete list of OSRS melee weapons that you can consider for boosting your game to a larger extent by dealing huge damage to opponents.

1. Dragon Claws

Dragon Claws
60 AttackFastestSlash5 Kg

As the name indicates, the OSRS weapon is formulated by Dragon Metal. Importantly, this weapon is one-handed, requiring players to be at Level 60 to obtain it. Dragon Claws are not underpriced as they are rare. Moreover, this claw best fits the PVP special attack weapons. 

Obtaining Method: If you desire to equip it, you can get it from Tormented Demons as drops or as a tradeable material. However, you can get it from Grand Exchange, the trading system in OSRS, sometimes expressed as GE in short.

2. Abyssal Whip

Abyssal Whip
70 AttackFastestSlash0.453 Kg

Abyssal Whip is one of the profitable OSRS one-handed melee weapons as you can use it to make other powerful weapons, including Lava Whip.

Moreover, the equipment has a special attack draining the target’s run energy and was introduced with the Slayer skill. Interestingly, it can be crafted by merging whip wine and abyssal wine. 

Obtaining Method: Abyssal Whip is a tradeable item, so you can easily get it from other players. Also, it is dropped by the demon of the same name, Abyssal, but requires 85 Slayer to attack them.

3. Crystal Halberd

Crystal Halberd
70 Attack
50 Agility
AverageSlash2.721 Kg

This OSRS melee weapon is known as best for hitting a bunch of enemies and special attacks. Interestingly, Crystal Halberd, as the name indicates, is a crystal two-handed weapon employed by elven warriors.

After fulfilling the 70 Attack and 50 Agility requirement, you must finish the Roving Elves, the sequel of Regicide and Waterfall Quest, to get the weapon. 

Obtaining Method: The Crystal Halberd is designed using the Crystal weapon seed in two ways: paying Islwyn or Eluned or completing The Eyes of Glouphrie quest and 75 Smiting.

4. Dragon Scimitar

Dragon Scimitar
60 AttackFastestSlash1.814 Kg

The Dragon Scimitar is one of the most famous non-degrading melee training equipment. Moreover, the equipment requires players to be at Level 60 while completing different missions.

Dragon Scimitar’s special attack, Sever, makes the target unable to use the protection for five seconds with a higher chance of hitting. 

Obtaining Method: If you desire to get it, you should have fulfilled the requirements and finished Monkey Madness, the Master quest. Also, it can be bought from shops, including Dealga’s Scimitar Emporium and Daga’s Scimitar Smithy. 

5. Saradomin Godsword

Saradomin Godsword melee weapons osrs
75 AttackAverageSlash10 Kg

Saradomin Godsword is a popular godswords used during the God Wars. Interestingly, it is formulated by mixing the complete godsword blade with the Saradomin Hilt and requiring 75 Attacks to obtain it. 

The weapon’s Special Attack, Healing Blade, deals great ability damage and revives life points of the damage dealt. 

Obtaining Method: Since Saradomin Godsword is tradable equipment, players can exchange it. Moreover, fulfilling the requirement will grant you a unique weapon.

6. Granite Maul

Granite Maul melee weapons osrs
Lv. 55 Attack And StrengthAverageCrush4.535 Kg

Players can use Granite Maul, a powerful two-handed weapon, especially during the power-up activation. The weapon’s special attack, Quick Smash, is the quick attack ignoring the cooldowns requiring 50% adrenaline. 

Especially this weapon is a granite equipment set’s part that can’t be formulated through Smithing skill. 

Obtaining Method: The weapon can only be obtained when Gargoyles drops it.

7. Zamorakian Spear

Zamorakian Spear
Lv. 75 AttackAverageStab3 Kg

This weapon is called by many names, including Zspear or ZS, requiring the players to have Lv 75 Attack. Moreover, Zamorakian Spear is a two-handed weapon with a special attack, Shove, which pushes back and stuns the opponent for three seconds. 

Obtaining Method: You can obtain it from K’ril Tsutsaroth and his protectors from the God Wars Dungeon. Commonly, it is used to battle with the Corporeal Beast.

8. Dragon Dagger

Dragon Dagger
Lv. 60 AttackFastestStab0.453 Kg

This OSRS weapon is only obtainable by the players with 60 Attack who completed the Lost City quest. Importantly, its special attack, Puncture, deals with two fast attacks using 25% adrenaline, with increased accuracy.

The hitting might be hard with this weapon, depending on players’ off-hand equipment. 

Obtaining Method: You should complete the above quest after fulfilling the criteria. Also, it can be bought at Rasolo the Wandering Merchant, Jukat’s Dragon Sword Shop, or Urbi’s shop.

9. Crystal Dagger

Crystal Dagger
50 Agility
Lv. 70 Attack
FastestSlb0.453 Kg

Crystal Dagger is a one-handed melee weapon requiring 70 Attack and 50 Agility and the completion of Roving Elves to be equipped. 

Obtaining Method: This weapon can be designed by crystal weapon seed, achieved by 75 Smithing, completing The Eyes of Glouphrie quest, and paying coins to Islwyn or Eluned.

10. Dragon Warhammer

Dragon Warhammer
Lv. 60 AttackAverageCrush1.814 Kg

As the name implies, it is a Dragon weapon you can use after the quest, Birthright of the Dwarves. If you desire to get it, firstly, ensure to reach Level 60 by completing the above quest. It is a decent weapon you can use to damage opponents badly. 

Obtaining Method: Dragon Warhammer is a tradable OSRS item that can be purchased from Vigir/ Sieglinde after the quest is finished. 

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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