Palia Blueberry Seeds: How to Get Blueberry Seeds in Palia

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Do you want to know about Palia’s Blueberry seeds or how to get them? If so, we are here to help you with the correct instructions. 

The online game Palia has become a hot topic, with several queries flooding the Internet. Besides, keep reading below if you are confused about How to Get Blueberry Seeds in Palia

Palia is the creation by Singularity 6 Corporation, set in a fantasy world, allowing players to do farming, harvesting, and many other things. Moreover, this game is a perfect and must-to-experience for adventure and survival lovers wishing to enjoy nature. 

Thus, in Palia, one of the important factors is planting seeds that will ultimately give you resources and help in quest completion. 

The seed variants are many in Palia, including the Blueberries and Apples. So, if you need help getting the Blueberry seeds in Palia, you can follow the steps below with determination. 

Palia Blueberry Seeds: How to Get Blueberry Seeds in Palia

Obtaining Blueberry seeds is not as easy as getting other seeds in Palia; however, there are three ways you can gain Blueberry seeds: 

  1. Finishing the Badruus’ quest, Music to My Ears, at the relationship level 3.
  2. Growing seeds from the Blueberries. 
  3. Purchasing the seeds from the Gardening Skill Store. 

Music to My Ears Quest Completion 

  • The friendship quest, Music to My Ears, is given by the Badruu, where he asks for your help in writing the song lyrics and gaining sufficient confidence to perform it. 
  • As a result, Auni will ask you to develop a confidence charm for Badrru to help perform for his family and mates. 
  • You will require 1 Firebreathing Dragonfly, a Silk Thread, and a Flow-Infused Wood to make the charm. 
  • Once you gather all the elements, you must return to Auni, who will develop the charm. 
  • After the charm is ready, you must deliver it to  Badrru, completing the quest. 
  • The successful quest completion will give you an Improved Relationship with Badruu, 5 Blueberry Bush Seeds, 25 Renowns, Badruu’s Barn Key, and 1 Raspberry Beetle. 

Obtaining Seeds from the Blueberries

Once you have Blueberries, you can make the seeds from them. Importantly, two seeds can be produced from four Blueberries, consuming one hour and 21 minutes. 

Visiting the Gardening Skill Store

You can purchase the seeds from the Store but only spend 45 Skill Coins. 

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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