How to Flip the Right Switches in Payday 3?

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Do you have trouble flipping the right switches in Payday 3?

Flipping the wrong switch can trigger the alarm and ruin your entire heist. And want to learn how to flip the right switches in Payday 3?

Are you tired of setting off alarms and failing your heists?

it can be tricky, especially if you’re new to the game. But don’t worry If you’re looking for a guide on how to flip the right switches in Payday 3, you’ve come to the right place! I’ll walk you through the process of flipping the right switches, step-by-step. By the end of this post, you’ll be a pro at flipping switches.

What is flipping the right switches in Payday 3?

Flip the Right Switches” is a mission objective in the Payday 3 heist “No Rest for the Wicked”.

To complete this objective, players must first disable the security system in the power room.

This can be done by interacting with the laptop in the room and following the instructions on the screen.

Once the security system is disabled, players will be able to access the cable controller in the room. This device will show players a colored switch and a symbol. Players must then locate the switchbox with the matching color and symbol and flip the switch.

How to Flip the Right Switches in Payday 3?

  • Disable the security system in the power room.
  • There’s actually a cable controller right here.
  • Go ahead and activate it.
  • It shows you a color and a kind of a symbol so this is a color green alright.
  • Go down to where the box is.
  • Go down here as you can see there’s the green one with a similar symbol. 
  • The gate that leads to the vault will open.

Some tips for flipping the right switches in Payday 3:

  • Make sure to disable the security system before interacting with the cable controller. This will prevent the alarm from being triggered.
  • Be careful when locating the switch box. The switch boxes are often located in high-traffic areas, so you will need to be stealthy to avoid being seen by guards.
  • Once you have located the switch box, make sure to flip the correct switch. Flipping the wrong switch will trigger the alarm.

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Sneha Shukla

Sneha Shukla is a researcher and writer, her hobby is to researching and writing on different topics, currently she is a gaming writer on gamestouse. She also has a lot of interest in music, Right now she is writing a book on her lifestyle and will launch it soon, as well as she works on her personal development series and uploads blogposts on Instagram.

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