Stands Awakening Trello Link & Discord Link

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Are you finding the contents of the Stands Awakening game’s Discord And Trello link? Go through this article for detailed facts. Information related to Stands Awakening Trello & Discord Link is covered in this guide.

Have you been curiously waiting to know the important strings and gameplay of Roblox’s Stands Awakening game? Do you wish to gather explanations of all the above queries? Then, relentlessly refer to this blog post to fetch the legit details. 

Roblox games facilitate a great convenience for players to enjoy games, mostly free of cost. Furthermore, these games provide several benefits by increasing decision-making, targeting, planning, etc., skills.

Besides, if you’ve referred to this article for a complete illustration on stands awakening trello & Discord link, kindly be attentive to learn more.

More Trello & Discord Link:

Stands Awakening is a well-noted Roblox experience by Awakened: Productions, created on 3rd October 2020. According to its Roblox page, the game is in the beta phase but will improve over time.

Surprisingly, Stands Awakening is taken from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series by Hirohiko Araki. Moreover, Stands Awakening has numerous stands and facilitates battles with others. If you’re a great fan of this Manga series, you can try it by visiting Roblox.

Furthermore, the game has an excellent visit of 183.2M+ and is currently appreciated by 144K+ players. You can calculate the fan base and support Stands Awakening has recently from the above value.

Now, let us discuss this article’s crux, i.e., its Discord and Trello links, quickly explained in the below passage.

Do you know why gamers survey games’ Trello links? Since these platforms have legit and new information from developers or the community, nowadays, players refer them to be updated.

Therefore, below, you’ll find a detailed illustration of both online social platforms, so keep reading.

Trello NameOfficial Links
Stands Awakening Trello Link🔗Visit Now

Note: Before visiting “Stands Awakening Trello Links” make sure that you have registered on

Importantly, the developer has a restricted Discord page for which you might need special permission to see the messages. Apart from it, if you are a beginner in Discord, you will notice a Verify option asking you to authenticate your account for access.

Trello NameOfficial Links
Stands Awakening Discord Link🔗Visit Now

List Of Items

Common Items:

Frog has a spawn rate of ¼ chance every five minutes. 

Dio’s Diary- Full of secrets consisting of achieving heaven power instructions. 

Rokakaka Fruit- Consuming this fruit will decrease the stand’s power. 

Toxic Chemicals- They can spawn every 10 minutes. 

Volcanic Rock- Burning stone chunks landed on the island.

Arrow- Helps to wake up the stands.

Vampire Mask- It turns the equipper into a vampire. 

Banknote- Makes you richer. 

Requiem Arrow- Estimated to increase the stand’s current power. 

Samurai Diary- It has all the guidance to become a samurai.

Rare Items:

Red Heart has a spawning chance of 1/50 every half an hour. 

Dio’s Skull- It is the rarest item. 

True Requiem Arrow- It has a 1/15 spawning chance every 60 mins. 

AJA Mask- It is the mask of true power. 

Uncanny Key- It is called 2022’s Halloween item

Ornstein’s Spear- It is a cross spear. 

Pot Platinum Diary- Have secrets to increase the stand’s power.

Blue Heart- Finish the Racheal quest to obtain it.

Camera- It has a spawning time every 45 mins. 

Pumpkin- Known as Halloween 2022 item.

Purchasable Items:

Water- You can purchase 10 Lire from Tim.

Shiny Arrow- Provides aesthetics to stands. 

Ticket- It helps with lessening the item’s spawning time.

Uncommon Items:

Ender Pearl- You can obtain Blaze powder from it. 

Hell Arrow- It is a strange but beautiful arrow. 

Bone- A tragic item.

Unobtainable Abilities

  • Solar One Time More
  • Clown Crimson
  • Triangle Flushed King 
  • Bootleg Purple Guy
  • Solar Diary

Other than the above information, you will find many other details like the combat guide, spawn placers, stands, Halloween, etc., So if you’re interested in them too, don’t hesitate to visit the Trello page and learn more.

The Final Words

This blog thoroughly discussed the stands awakening trello & Discord link and the crucial game supplementary details. However, tour here if you want to learn more about the Stands Awakening Roblox game

Are you with any improvements to this blog post? You can give your valuable thoughts on the explanation on the game’s Discord and Trello links in the comment box. 

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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