Attack on Titan Evolution Tier List (March 2025)

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Are you searching for the best families to consider in Attack on Titan: Evolution? To understand the families, you must carefully review the passages below. In this guide, we have shared information related to Attack on Titan Evolution Tier List.

Roblox games are entertaining, and mostly they stick in the headlines like currently is Attack on Titan: Evolution. So, keep reading to determine the latest Attack on Titan Evolution Tier List – Best Families updates.

Attack on Titan Evolution Tier List

Attack on Titan: Evolution is an exciting Roblox where you must battle powerful opponents and upgrade equipment and characters. After winning, you can upgrade every element according to your preference. However, like anime, players are assigned to a respective family. 

Explaining Families In Attack on Titan: Evolution

In Attack on Titan: Evolution, several families are falling under which you will get special perks. The more high-rated and powerful family you are under which, the better it is for your game. Since almost every gamer wants a special buff, this passage will illustrate all families and partition them into the tier list, addressing the best ones. 

If you were waiting to know which families are supreme in Attack on Titan: Evolution, you should carefully continue reading and be attentive. 

YeagerElimination ability of all Titans under 150 meters. 50% increment in Attack Titans stats.  S+
AckermanDamage and speed multiplier by 1.2x. Upon reaching 35% health, you will receive a stats boost of 50% for three minutes.S
ReissThe Titans do not make the first attack. 30% ignorance chances by the Titans. Titans will react at 15% less speed to the player. S
BraunDoubled health. 50% increment in Colossal Titan stats. A
KsaverWhen attacking Titans, there is a 15% rise in Critical chance. Stats increment by 50% of Beast Titans. A
LeonhartWhile hitting Titans, there is a 10% rise in damage. 50% stats increment of Female TitansA
TyburUpgrades cost reduction by 15%. 50% increase in Warhammer Titan statsA
Finger15% base stats raise. 50% rise in Cart Titan statsA
SmithSpeed boost by 10%. 5% speed boost to party membersB
ZoeUpgrades price reduction by 10%B
SpringerA 5% boost to critical chancesB
GalliardWhile running, get 50% raise in base speed multiplier. 50% increment in Jaw Titans statsB
GriceDouble recovery timeB
KrugerDamage increment by 10%B
PixisSpeed boosts by 10%. 5% boost to party members. C
KirschteinImprovement by 25% in horse statsC
BrausIncrement of range by 10%C
SadiesEarned gold raised by 10%C
Forster10% chance of Titan  ignoring you for 3 seconds C

We hope, using the above tier list, you have a legit estimate about the families to proceed with. It would be great if you are under one of the S-tier list families, giving you an extra advantage of special perks.

Moreover, the complexity of obtaining families varies with their rarity. When creating the tier list, we considered the buffs of each family primarily with their popularity amongst the players. 

In the game beginning, you will receive five spins that you must roll to get a family. Unfortunately, you can go for spins if you are still looking for the desired family. Interestingly, you can keep multiple families in Attack on Titan: Evolution, which is tradeable. 

Explaining Popular Families 

Since the best families are under the S-tier, it is suggested to prefer them or great if you are already in those families. Moreover, we have illustrated all the powerful families below, so please read them meticulously to get a quick overview. 


The most-admired Attack on Titan: Evolution family since here you will have two revive options upon dying. Therefore, it is best to be considered by beginners, allowing them to take risks in exploring and understanding the game mechanics. 


In Attack on Titan: Evolution, it is tagged as a Mythic family and is one of the prime choices for players to consider since of its good attacking speed. Also, with its great buffs, you can destroy your enemies more quickly and efficiently with an extra addition to great health boosts. 


If you desire to moderate your fight with the Titans, falling into this family is a  blessing. Particularly, utilizing its perks, you can combat enemies fast and easily if you are well-equipped and stronger.

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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