Stolen Realm Tier List Best Skills for You to Play! (April 2024)

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Are you interested to learn about the best Stolen Realm Skills? If yes, review this post until the final verdict to know all the recommendations. Mostly game players rely on the tier list to get fruit suggestions. Please stick to this article for all of our Stolen Realm Tier List advice. 

Stolen Realm is an interesting turn-based game with impressive action elements. Moreover, this game takes you on a great journey with the turn-based combat feature, resulting in quick combat encounters. 

In addition, Stolen Realm has lots of appealing components, including skills and enemies that will keep you entertained throughout. So, if you wish to know which character is highly profitable for your game, you are at the right spot so read below. 

Stolen Realm Tier List Best Skills for You to Play! (April 2024)

We have shared the best of all the available Skills in the top S-Tier, but the weakest ones are in the D-Tier. The game received tons of awards, making it a big hit and a trending topic that players often find.

Tier Explain:

  • Tier SSS: SP [Super Power]
  • Tier SS: EX [Excellent]
  • Tier S: OP [Overpowered]
  • Tier A: Best [Strong]
  • Tier B: Good [Not very strong, but not weak either]
  • Tier C: Average
  • Tier D: Weak

Tier List Changelog:

  • April 1st, 2024: A tier list has been changed.

To understand the Skills Rank in the Stolen Realm Tier List, we have created Ranking Criteria and along with it, we have created a section in which every change in the Tier List will be updated. You will know here the time when the ranking will be changed.

Stolen Realm — S (OP Skills)

When you go for boss battles, you need to acquire powerful skills for your heroes. In the list below, we have ranked the best skills and the ones that come with the most powerful abilities in the game so far. This skill is powerful and will help you give heavy damage when you go to defeat the boss.

  1. Crushing Slam
  2. Sunder
  3. Shield of Retribution
  4. Force Kick
  5. Volley
  6. Fuel for the Flames 2

Crushing Slam

  • Tier Rank: S Tier
  • Range: Self 
  • Skill Tree Type: Warrior

Crushing Slam is a fantastic Stolen Realm skill that is worth taking for great outcomes. Interestingly, this skill deals 240% Attack power to all opponents in line as physical damage. After Obtaining this, you will have to make a unique strategy so that progress is easy.


  • Tier Rank: S Tier
  • Range: Melee
  • Skill Tree Type: Warrior

Sunder is one of the best Stolen Realm skills which deals with 200% attack power, ignoring all resists and armor. Moreover, this exceptional skill heals for 50% of the caused damage, helping you massively. 

Shield of Retribution

  • Tier Rank: S Tier
  • Range: 5
  • Skill Tree Type: Light

Shield of Retribution is an incredible skill to refer to as it conjures a holy flame shield, absorbing damage. Moreover, after its depletion, the shield explodes and deals fire damage to all opponents within one hex radius. 

Stolen Realm — A (Best Skills)

We have seen that some players are unable to unlock the Overpowered Skills, so we suggest you stick with the skills mentioned below. It will not be too difficult for you to acquire these Stolen Realm skills and it will help you in doing your best gameplay.

  1. Mass Cure
  2. Holy Ground
  3. One Punch Monk
  4. Breath of Winter
  5. Cure
  6. Bless
  7. Quaking Fist
  8. Paralyzing Strike
  9. Fickle Flame
  10. Ice Storm
  11. Focused Strike
  12. Shield of Light
  13. Flash Fire
  14. Brain Freeze
  15. Many Sided Strike
  16. Aura of Frost
  17. Fire Shield
  18. Long Shot
  19. Fireball
  20. Aura of Flame
  21. Thunder Wrath

Mass Cure

  • Tier Rank: A Tier
  • Range: 8
  • Skill Tree Type: Light

Mass Cure is a great skill that will help you massively in the Stolen Realm game. Importantly, the skill’s effect helps in health restoration to all allies within two hexes of the target, supporting your team massively. 

Holy Ground

  • Tier Rank: A Tier
  • Range: 8
  • Skill Tree Type: Light

As the name indicates, Holy Ground is one of the incredible skills that helps allies greatly. In addition, this Stolen Realm skill heals allies whenever they arrive in a specific area of ground, healing 75% of spell power every turn thrice. 

One Punch Monk

  • Tier Rank: A Tier
  • Range: 3
  • Skill Tree Type: Monk

One Punch Monk is a great skill that you can use for tremendous benefit. Moreover, this skill increases the effectiveness of the first healing or damaging abilities you use by 100%. However, you will be unable to use any more skills on that specific turn. 

Stolen Realm — B (Good Skills)

All the good Skills that are worth taking under the unavailability of the S or A-Tier Skills are here. Moreover, they will help you throughout, but not as greatly as the high-tier recommend. Before acquiring these skills, you will have to improve your strategy, otherwise you will not be able to fight the battle properly.

  1. Rune of Exploding
  2. Thunder Bolt
  3. Stunning Kick
  4. Chain Lightning
  5. Stunning Slam
  6. Bleeding Cleave
  7. Cold Blooded
  8. Chilling Strike
  9. Frost Shard
  10. Thunder Struck
  11. Meteor
  12. Recharge
  13. Soul Cleanse
  14. Smoke Bomb
  15. Slight of Hand
  16. Rupture 
  17. Fade
  18. Soul Fracture
  19. Purge Mana
  20. Hunger 
  21. Consumption 
  22. Vampiric Aura
  23. Call of the Grave
  24. Precision 2
  25. Slaying Shot
  26. Impaling Shot
  27. Garrote
  28. Ambush II
  29. Deadly Dagger 
  30. Fencer’s Finesse 1
  31. Fencer’s Finesse II
  32. Shroud
  33. Gouge
  34. Energy Shield
  35. Mass Haste
  36. Meteor Shower
  37. Teleport Other
  38. Fire Storm
  39. Dagger Throw
  40. Avatar of Flame
  41. Cripple
  42. Bleeding Shot
  43. Reaper’s Scythe
  44. Immortal Night
  45. Child of the Abyss
  46. Called Shot
  47. Soul Exchange
  48. Take Cover
  49. Necromancer 1
  50. Patient Hunter
  51. Sniper Shot
  52. Branching Shot
  53. Leech Might
  54. Quick Draw
  55. Spectral Chains
  56. Haunt
  57. Vengeful Shadows
  58. Beast Master 2
  59. Leech Intelligence
  60. Contaminated Wound
  61. Enduring Evasion
  62. Leech Dexterity
  63. Necromancer 2
  64. Exorcism
  65. Tracker’s Mark
  66. Storm Weathered 2 
  67. Incapacitate
  68. Bounty Hunter’s Mark
  69. Stalker’s Mark
  70. Shocking Shackles
  71. Tricks of the Trade
  72. Sweeping Kick
  73. Freeze Earth
  74. Overload
  75. Crystalize 2
  76. Diamond Ice
  77. Ice Lance
  78. Frost Nova
  79. Front Kick
  80. Frost Armor
  81. Ice Wall
  82. Pain Suppression
  83. Falcon Dash
  84. Opportunist
  85. Shield Mastery
  86. Bone Collecter
  87. Executioner
  88. Guardian 2
  89. Dual Wield Mastery
  90. Vitality Break
  91. Life Cleave
  92. Beserker’s Blood
  93. Slam
  94. Warmonger 2
  95. Warrior’s Boon
  96. Fracture
  97. Cleave
  98. Howl
  99. Into the Fray
  100. Charge
  101. Threatening Fracture
  102. Bash
  103. Frostbite
  104. Rage
  105. Beserker’s Rage
  106. Healing Hand
  107. Seal of Protection
  108. Dashing Strikes
  109. Regenerate
  110.  Redemption
  111. Ascendancy
  112. Lingering Light
  113. Salvation
  114. Seal of Might
  115. Indestructible
  116. Empowered Light 1
  117. Colossus
  118. Quickening
  119. Seal of Salvation
  120. Overwhelming Power
  121. Meditation
  122. Masochism 2
  123. Fireblast
  124. Immolate
  125. Burning Ground
  126. Thunder Storm
  127. Dodging Strikes
  128. Enchant Fire
  129. Cauterize
  130. Aura of Lightning
  131. Fissure
  132. Combo Breaker
  133. Hot head 2
  134. Kindling
  135. Lightning Shield
  136. Enchant Lightning
  137. Shock
  138. Fuel for the Flames 1
  139. Blessed by Light 2
  140. Frozen Spikes
  141. Double Edge
  142. Perfected Soul
  143. Soft Step
  144. Twister
  145. Momentum 2
  146. Contemplation 2
  147. Fever
  148. Hide In Shadows
  149. Steal Action
  150. Maim
  151. Steal Status
  152. Ranger’s Gift 2
  153. Pinning Shot
  154. Dispelling Shot
  155. Poison Weapon
  156. Ambush 1
  157. Crippling Shot
  158. Gore
  159. Tempered Rage
  160. Mortal Fracture
  161. Two-Handed Mastery
  162. Blinding Light
  163. Shatter
  164. Invulnerable Winter
  165. Stasis
  166. Energy Cannon
  167. Willpower
  168. Dazzling Darts
  169. Thirst 2
  170. Beast Master 1
  171. Tainted Touch
  172. Troubled Mind
  173. Rally

Rune of Exploding

  • Tier Rank: B Tier
  • Range: 6
  • Skill Tree Type: Fire

Thunder Bolt

  • Tier Rank: B Tier
  • Range: 8
  • Skill Tree Type: Lightning

Stunning Kick

  • Tier Rank: B Tier
  • Range: Melee
  • Skill Tree Type: Monk

Stolen Realm — C (Average Skills)

We have stated the average Skills below which are neither too good nor useless. You must not completely rely on them, but they are ideal for situational usage. We are not confident whether these skills will be that important for you or not, but you can try once.

  1. Light’s Celerity
  2. Detonate
  3. Stormbringer 2
  4. Endurance 2
  5. Light’s Endurance
  6. Light’s Strength 
  7. Discharge
  8. Light’s Brilliance
  9. Challenger 
  10. Guardian 1
  11. Survivalist 1
  12. Master Assassin
  13. Crash and Flow
  14. Cyclone Kick
  15. Deathblow
  16. Chi Strike
  17. Calculated Risk
  18. En Garde
  19. Shadow Walk
  20. Ranger’s Gift
  21. Thunder Borne
  22. Dark Pact
  23. Reaper’s Toll
  24. Mythic Reach
  25. Death Dealer II
  26. Poisoned Dagger
  27. Uncanny Evasion
  28. Curse
  29. Disengage
  30. Ghost Armor
  31. Suvivalist 2
  32. Marked Prey
  33. Animal Companion Grizzly
  34. Warmonger 1
  35. Deep Freeze
  36. Bloodlet
  37. Burning Reach
  38. Fire Borne
  39. Fire Starter 
  40. Heavy Rains
  41. Divine Intervention
  42. Teleport Self 
  43. The Good Doctor
  44. Purify
  45. Light’s Beckon
  46. Glory
  47. Empowered Light 2
  48. Unyielding Contender
  49. Blessed by Light 1
  50. Break the Ice
  51. Frostbite 2
  52. Dark Ritual
  53. Soul Link
  54. Hidden Blade
  55. Summon Raven
  56. Static Field
  57. Speed
  58. Crystalize 1
  59. Power Strikes
  60. Endurance 1
  61. Masochism 1
  62. Contemplation 1
  63. Elemental Protection
  64. Blood Drinker
  65. Enchant Cold
  66. Kindred Spirit
  67. Lasting Flame
  68. Evasion
  69. Call of the Wild
  70. Piercing Shot
  71. Escape
  72. Swiftness
  73. Storm Weathered 1
  74. Conduit
  75. Stormbringer 1
  76. Endless Quiver
  77. Gathering Storm
  78. Death Dealer 1
  79. Hot Head 1
  80. Wanderer
  81. Storm Brewing
  82. Eagle Eye
  83. Precision 1
  84. Thirst 1
  85. Blind
  86. Lich Lord
  87. Frost Borne
  88. Frostbite 1
  89. Strength
  90. Fight Dirty
  91. Mass Freeze
  92. Icefall
  93. Master of Ice
  94. Haste
  95. Weapon of Choice
  96. Momentum 1
  97. Chain Frost

Light’s Celerity

  • Range: 8
  • Skill Tree Type: Light


  • Range: 3
  • Skill Tree Type: Fire

Stormbringer 2

  • Range: 8
  • Skill Tree Type: Lightning

Stolen Realm — D (Weakest Skills)

You will get the useless Stolen Realm Skills here that you must not take since they aren’t profitable from any corner. You should not proceed with these skills if you have gone above the beginner level. Even if you upgrade these skills to max level, it is still not useful.

  1. Furious George
  2. Raise Skeletal Warrior
  3. Summon Wolf
  4. Raise Skeletal Archer
  5. Raise Skeletal Mage

The Final Verdict

We have given a completed and updated Stolen Realm Tier List, suggesting Crushing Slam and Sunder as the best skills. Try to gain them for the best results in the battles against challenging enemies. 

Do you wish to give your feedback on your tier list placements? Please head to the comment section for any inquiries on this article.

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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