Gaius Worzel | Best Build and Team [Trails into Reverie]


Have you been searching for a detailed summary of Gaius Worzel, a Trails into Reverie character? You can collect more information about the character by reading below. 

Trails of Reverie has been hitting the headlines, and it is accumulating positive reviews nowadays. So, refer to this article for Gaius Worzel Build and Guide: The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie.

Basic Information About Gaius Worzel

Gaius Worzel
Weapon TypeAffiliation
SpearThors Military Academy

Gaius Worzel is a Class VII member, a Septian Church Dominion, and a Nord Native. Moreover, he takes care of his four siblings, being the eldest, and because of his clear perspective, he is a reliable companion to his mates. 

After he graduated from the Thors, his responsibilities grew, and he took his Stigma and the spot at Eighth Dominion, the Soaring Phoenix.

Later, he discovered his ability to face the deadly Great Twilight, which was a massive harm to the Empire. After the disaster, he and Zeo roamed across Zemuria fulfilling the Gralsritter role.

Character Voice Actors

Voice ActorsEN: Kaiji Tang
JP: Yoshimasa Hosoya

Gaius has wavy medium brown hair and bright narrow eyes, making him one of the most attractive male Trails into Reverie characters.

Moreover, he wears a red uniform with white stripes and grey extensions popping from the outfit. However, the light blue pants and the pouch with the belt on the waist complement his look to a huge extent. In addition, he wears long brown boots and black gloves. 

He shares a friendly personality and is grateful to the Aidios individuals and wind whom he met during the journey.

Importantly, he doesn’t discriminate against individuals and respects all people. Moreover, he mainly relies on the Class VII members and follows the Septain Church and Aidios.

Gaius Worzel Build

Gaius is a self-buffing character with good S-crafts; his self-buff reduces his HP and restores ADCP while buffing his strength and defence. Moreover, his S-craft hits all opponents for huge damage and has the unique absolute delay mechanic guaranteeing that he will apply a delay to the opponent’s hits. 

So, the best way to build Gaius is to give him the Chevalier Master courts, which will increase the damage of his S-craft depending on his current HP. Also, you can give him delay quartz since they will stack with the absolute delay mechanic of his S-craft.

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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