Tio Plato Best Build and Team Comp [Trails into Reverie]


Have you been searching for a detailed guide for the Tio Plato, The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie character? Scrolling and reading this post will benefit you. Characters are one of the primary reasons behind turning the game into a big hit. Therefore, keep reading for Tio Plato Build and Guide | The Legend of Heroes Trails into Reverie.

Basic Information About Tio Plato

TLOH trails into reverie Tio Plato
Weapon TypeAffiliation
Orbal StaffSpecial Support Section

Tio is tagged as a young Epstein Foundation researcher of the Crossbell branch and a Special Support Section executive.

Moreover, she shares a similar facial appearance to Elie but is round-shaped instead of Elie’s narrow face. Besides, during Crossbell’s occupation, she was kept in examination by the Imperial Intelligence Division to control her mobility.

Irrespective of her situation then, she continued supporting her companions, helping her make new friends. She befriends old and new Erebonia’s Class VII members and built close connections with Alisa Reinford from the Reinford Group and Tita Russell, a Liberian student.

She continued to explore as an orbal tech researcher, working with big names like Reinford Group and Zeiss Central Factory.

Character Voice Actors

Voice ActorsEN: Kayli Mills
JP: Kaori Mizuhashi

Tio has long light blue hair and yellow eyes, keeping her look promising. Moreover, her outfit resembles a researcher, wearing a white shirt under a short gray dress. In addition, overall, she wears a coat with light blue borders, increasing her look. Also, she wears an extension from above the thighs until the black shoes. 

You will notice her as a polite and reserved girl. But at the first meeting, she might look self-centered, but she turns into a warm-up. Also, she finds everything cute and is one of the devout supporters of the series.

Tio Plato Build

Similar to Elie is Tio, who is a caster but oriented more toward offense. Moreover, she has the great ability to interrupt and freeze opponents with her crafts. Most importantly, her S-craft is great at lessening the enemies’ magic defense by dealing massive damage to them. 

In addition, she provides decent support with the ability to reduce the strength and defense of an enemy. Also, Tio is great at dispelling the enemy’s positive buffs.

Tio’s healing craft provides great healing support and removes negative status. If you are up to bringing her into the battle directly, you can be tough against the opponents upon playing on higher difficulties.

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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