How to turn off Proximity Voice chat in Warzone 2 and not be heard


In this guide, we will tell you how to turn off proximity voice chat in Warzone 2. You should turn off your proximity chat if you don’t want to give away your position to the other players within the game.

How to turn off Proximity Voice chat in Warzone 2 and not be heard
Screenshot from YourSixGaming

Steps to turn off Proximity Voice Chat in Warzone 2

Go to Options, then go to settings. After that go down to “Audio”. Go down to “Voice chat”. You will find an option “proximity voice chat”. Go to this option and turn it off.

If you go over to channels and create a new channel, you can switch from the game channel to the private channel you just created and talk with your friends without being heard by other players. But this would still allow you to hear the game chat so you can hear other players but they will not be able to hear you.

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Apoorva Behl

I am a Law graduate who loves content writing. I have been in love with video games since I was a kid. I grew up playing Mario and Tekken. I also enjoy playing mobile games such as Clash of Kings, Clash of Clans and Call of Duty. My love for games has brought me here, and I immensely enjoy writing about them.

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