Garwood Talent Tree Build | Guide | Skills | Call of Dragons

Are you excited to capture a complete guide to Garwood, a popular Call of Dragons character? If yes, without waiting, you must quickly go through the following passages to learn more. In this post, we have shared the information related to Garwood Guide.

Call of Dragons fans is actively searching for trustworthy details about every hero. So, this paragraph will help you understand and be updated about Garwood Guide & Talent Build details.

Garwood Stats Info

Garwood Details
GarwoodTier Rank
RankFactionSpringwardens Springwardens
LegendaryTypeInfantry | Garrison | Tank
SkillsCall of the Ancient Tree, Lifestone, Revitalizing Rune, Tempered Bark, and Thistles and Thorns.

As the name implies, Garwood is a Call of Dragon hero whose body structure resembles a tree-like. You will notice short leaves spreading out his shoulders. Garwood is one of the strongest Treants from Witherheath, making him a must-have character to be equipped quickly.

Garwood Talent Tree

By utilizing the Talent Tree faithfully, you can have the best and most improved version of heroes. So, to know Gardwood’s Talent Tree, please scroll down this post to get it below. 

In the Talent Tree, you can see Infantry, Tank, and Garrison, amongst which you can customize and get the best ones with the talent points. 

Garwood Artifacts

This is the artifacts list of Garwood that you might be searching for and should know. Moreover, you should understand the artifacts before wishing to hold and utilize them for increased performance.  

EliteHarlequin Mask
LegendarySprings of Silence
LegendaryDragonscale Armor
LegendaryBreath of the Forest
LegendaryGreymar’s Warhammer
EpicButcher’s Balde

Best Garwood Pairing 

Madeline is the supreme hero to be paired with Garwood and belongs to the same Tank team. Having them is best because they have extreme damage prevention and increased survivability. Using this Madeline-Garwood pair is appropriate to be used during PVE combats. 

Other than Madeline, you can go for Eliana, but the pair will become less good at damage reduction than the above pair. You can use Eliana’s Talent tree only if her level is higher than Garwood’s to retain more perks from the pair. 

How To Summon Garwood?

How to get Heroes in Call of Dragons 3
military department Arena
Open the Chest to Get Epic and Legendary Heroes.

You can use the chest opening technique to get any Legendary hero, including Garwood.

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Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma, presently living in Kolkata city. He completed his graduation from Calcutta University. He is a content writer and researcher for 1.5 years. He love exploring different gaming, news, cryptocurrencies, updates, etc. Follow Him on Linkedin.

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